Wellness Challenge & Worksheet: Break Your Barriers To Exercise

Happy Monday Angels!

The life of an Angel involves time spent thinking about and taking care of others. But the reality is, if we don’t give ourselves the same effort and attention, we’re not able to do that very easily. So, in the spirit of giving it everything I’ve got to help you live Happy, Healthy Lifestyles, Full of Purpose and Meaning; I’m going to add more Wellness Challenges to my site. And I’m starting today! :)

The Wellness Challenge for today is to help you break your barriers to exercise! Exercise is a critical piece to being healthy. Last week I complied a bunch of research on the top barriers people face when trying to exercise and how to overcome those barriers. I created the following video of the top five, complete with possible solutions to each barrier.

Here’s the link I mentioned in the video to the information from Mayo Clinic.


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Your challenge this week is to watch the video, identify what’s holding you back, and create solutions to get you over those barriers once and for all!

Break Your Barriers To Exercise Worksheet

To help, here’s a worksheet you can use while watching the video to complete the challenge. The key thing to remember here is this, you’re completing this challenge to come up with ways to break those barriers. It make take a few attempts to find the right solution, so don’t give up if it doesn’t happen right away. Change is uncomfortable and can sometimes take longer than we’d hoped. But it will happen. When you feel like quitting, find the fight still left in you, and KEEP GOING! You’ve got this!

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love, b

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