You Are So Worth It

you are so worth it stay strong

Good evening B’s Knees!

I would love for you all to have a successful week. So I’m putting on my coaching hat and offering to be your personal coach and accountability partner this week!

I’m sending you out an S.O.S. (Start Out Small) Challenge!

Pick something small that you’d like to do this week to lead a healthy, happy, meaningful life.

Perhaps one of the following:

1. Go for a 15 minute walk 3x this week.
2. Find a new healthy recipe to try.
3. Call one friend you’ve been meaning to.
4. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night.
5. Cut out 2 sodas this week.
6. Tour some gyms in your area to join.
7. Sign up for a community education class.
8. Drink more water.
9. Explore ways to reduce stress.
10. Send a card in the mail to surprise a loved one.

Now send me a message telling me what your S.O.S. challenge is and I will personally follow up with you sometime this week to encourage you and keep you accountable!

You are so worth it!

love, b

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