Today’s Inspirational Challenge was inspired by something that happened during a meeting I had with an incredibly generous person, Dr. Ken Larson, Founder of Northern Lights Foundation (a nonprofit that assists children with life-threatening illnesses). During our meeting, I realized my parking meter was about to expire. Having no change on me, Dr. Larson was kind enough to give me a quarter to run out and plug my meter. While I was putting the quarter in my meter, I happen to notice the meter next to me had also run out. So I ran back inside and asked Dr. Larson if I could please have another quarter. He jokingly asked if I had lost the first one. :)
When I explained the meter next to me had also run out and that I wanted to put a quarter in their meter too, Dr. Larson proceeded to give me ALL of the change he had in his pocket. I lit up like a Christmas tree, ran out and plugged EVERYONE’s meter!! If you know me, it won’t surprise you that that was fun for me. :)
We’ve probably all been caught in a meeting or at an appointment knowing our meter is about to run out. So your challenge this week is to leave some extra time in a parking meter for someone! It really is a simple thing we can do to help somebody out. So what do you say? You in? :)
And please check out the Northern Lights Foundation site linked above if you’d like to learn more about this wonderful organization! :) Have a great week! love, b