Happy Monday Angels!
This week’s Inspirational Challenge will cost you nothing. But for those you care about, it’s priceless. Your challenge this week is to be present. FULLY present. We all know when someone isn’t fully present. And we certainly know when someone’s barely present. They might as well not even be with us at all. And sometimes, embarrassingly, that person is us.
It’s so easy to let external circumstances, stress and worry cause us to be absent from the people we love the most. But when we love someone, being present is one of the best gifts we could ever offer. They feel the difference. And so do we.
So what do you say? Let’s give it a go this week shall we?! Let’s unplug and carve out some time to be fully present for those we love. And it’s not a bad idea to be fully present for ourselves either. It’s amazing how different the world is when we pay attention to it.
love, b