Inspirational Challenge, Three Things I Love About You


berta lippert three-things

A song came on the radio I knew from my younger years while driving to the gym with my son. So I started singing. Loudly. As usual. :) “Say it loud! Say it clear! You can listen as well as you hear!” (Can anyone guess the song?)

When my performance…er, um, the song was over, my son asked what the song was about. I told him the song had a great message about not taking opportunities while you can with the people important to you. To resolve conflict and not wait to tell the people you love how you feel. You may not get another chance.

It gave me an idea for an “Inspirational Challenge” today. I thought we could all tag someone we care about in this photo and not miss an opportunity to brighten their day by sharing three things you love about them. You up for the challenge? Go! Someone will be smiling because of it! :)

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