Overcome Common Fitness & Exercise Barriers



Good Morning B’s Knees 

This is our last fitness challenge of the ‘Power in Pink’ Challenge to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You guys have been absolutely rocking the inspirational challenges. And you’re quite good with the nutritional ones too. The fitness challenges however, not so much.

So either you have no room for improvement with your fitness goals or maybe, just maybe, exercise is about your least favorite thing to do.

If you have no room for improvement in your fitness goals, GREAT! But if you do, well, I AM NOT GIVING UP ON YOU! That’s just not how I’m made and I sincerely would like to see each of you live healthy, happy, meaningful lives.

So for today’s fitness challenge, ironically, you’re not going to do any exercise. Can I get a big Heck Yeah!! You’re welcome. 

But there is work to do. Below are 10 common barriers to exercise.

Your challenge is to pick what you believe is your biggest barrier to exercise and go to the following link on my page and select one possible solution to overcoming this barrier. Then, come here and comment on what solution you’re going to try to over come your barrier. And then do it!

You know I’m a fan of S.O.S. (Start Out Small). So no matter how small you think your action is, it is still progress. And big changes come about with small steps. So I’m sending out an S.O.S. to get you headed in the right direction when it comes to fitness.

I’m pretty lucky that this is an area of my life that is enjoyable. I have my moments, but for the most part, I work out every day and enjoy it. I believe you can get there too!

The gym I go to found out what I was doing here and offered up a prize package for a winner in the Twin Ports area. They gave me a month free membership which includes all of their open classes in any of their five Twin Ports locations, their Breast Cancer Awareness shirt, water bottle and gym bag. Thank you Anytime Fitness – Duluth/ Hermantown/ West Duluth/ Superior/ Cloquet!

To take part in the challenge, and I sincerely hope that you do, head on over to the following link on my Facebook page to learn many possible solutions to the following 10 barriers to exercise. Then come back here and comment which one you’re going to do!

Have a great day! 


Barrier No. 1: I don’t have enough time to exercise
Barrier No. 2: I think exercise is boring
Barrier No. 3: I’m self-conscious about how I look
Barrier No. 4: I’m too tired to exercise after work
Barrier No. 5: I’m too lazy to exercise
Barrier No. 6: I’m not athletic
Barrier No. 7: I’ve tried to exercise in the past and failed
Barrier No. 8: I can’t afford health club fees
Barrier No. 9: I’m afraid I’ll hurt myself if I exercise
Barrier No. 10: My family doesn’t support my efforts

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