Power in Pink Challenge Starts Today!


breast cancer facebook challenge


Join us on Facebook for the Power in Pink Challenge!

Ready for the ‘Power in Pink” Challenge? It starts today!!

There will be weekly prizes and giveaways from these great companies in addition to the fun we’ll have as a community completing the challenges. 

The first challenge is really easy! We’ve got a great community of like minded people here on our page. And I’d like to grow that community so we can support each other and cheer each other on like we did for Mary on Tuesday when she underwent a double mastectomy.

We were able to have that one post reach close to 1500 people to pray and think of Mary that day. You guys are awesome!!

So the first challenge is simply to invite your friends to ‘Like’ our page and join the challenge. Once you’ve done that, just leave a comment below so I can add your name for the prizes and giveaways! That’s it!

Have a great day everyone! 

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