Thursday Night Lights

pav and mom

Today’s Throwback Thursday is in honor of my son and his struggle to do things most children take for granted. For those of you who don’t know, my son has cerebral palsy and we became a family when he was 7 years old.

When I first adopted him, he had a hard time simply walking and would fall constantly. But he got back up. EVERY, SINGLE, TIME. After years of surgeries, casts, braces, PT, OT, and a ton of hard work, he now suits up to play Football and is also in Track & Field.

This picture is of his first year playing Pony League Football (3rd-6th graders) where I would stand and cry watching him play. EVERY, SINGLE, TIME. Hardly anyone knew of his history and I’m sure they thought I was a little off my rocker to be bawling over a Pony League football game, but I’m so proud of him and it’s still emotional for me to look back and see everything he’s been able to overcome.

The varsity football team had camp this week and the head coach asked for volunteers to coach the Pony League teams. Guess who excitedly volunteered and has been writing defensive plays for 24 hours straight! LOL Oh my gosh I love this kid!!


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