Top It Off Tuesday!

berta lippert

I’m declaring today TOP IT OFF TUESDAY!

FINALLY, a challenge you can get behind right? Well not so fast. I’m talking only about water here.

We all know the benefits to drinking enough water and keeping hydrated. Yet it’s an easy thing to overlook throughout your day. But thankfully, it’s also one of the easiest things you can do to help your body and lead a healthier lifestyle.

So today I’m sending out an S.O.S. of drinking two extra glasses of water. Just two. And possibly, for some of you, I’m aware that that may be the ONLY water you drink today! Just remember, Starting Out Small (S.O.S.) can still lead to big changes.

And if you’re already pretty good about drinking water, I challenge you to drink half your body weight in ounces today!

To take part in the challenge, simply like this post to let me know you’re willing to commit to drinking two extra glasses of water today! That’s it!


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