10 Simple Habits To Make You Happier At Home


I moved into my current house after moving from California to Minnesota shortly after adopting my son. And yes I did voluntarily move from Sunny California to Minnie. I’m not a cold weather girl. At all. But my son comes first. Family is the most important thing to me and I wanted him to grow up close to his family. So Minnesota it is for now and we’re making the best of it!

I’ve yet to do really much of anything to update our home. I didn’t choose the hideous floral wallpaper border in my bedroom, or even worse, the rooster wallpaper border that dons my kitchen walls. I just try to ignore it. In fact, I lived in my house for nearly three years before I even realized the details of those silly roosters.

I looked at my son one night at dinner and said “Hey, look at that! Each of those roosters are wearing a different little outfit! Did you know that?!”  He just shook his head and laughed.

Seriously, check out them out. They are hideous! But kindly don’t judge. Unless you’re volunteering to come to my house to help me remove them. :)


So any who…I love looking online for inspiration for some updates and one site I adore is Apartment Therapy. I came across an article there titled “10 Simple Things To Make You Happier At Home”. I loved it! The best part is that not one of the 10 suggestions has anything to do with a remodel. You can do all 10 with the house or apartment you have right now.

Head on over to Apartment Therapy to learn what they are and start doing them today!

10 Simple Things To Make You Happier At Home

I also want to give a quick shout out to a favorite of mine, Maria Barros whose design is shown above. She is amazing!! You can visit her site here and you can follow her on Pinterest here. Her designs are absolutely beautiful.

I hope you enjoy the article as much as I did and start incorporating some of the habits to happiness soon! Have a great day!

love, b

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