Finding Your Life’s Purpose & Meaning

It’s been a few years now, but this time of year I still struggle. My mind is busy with all I need to do, but my heart still remembers. It remembers that March 17th was the last day I saw my Mom smile. The last day she was able to have a conversation, smile and laugh. I had no idea that just a couple of days later she’d be gone.

I don’t know if she knew or not, but part of me feels she must have because the last words she said to me the next morning were “Don’t be sad.”.  I was kneeling on the floor beside her bed in the ICU crying as I’d just been told she had two weeks to two months to live. How would I tell my dad? My brothers, my sister, my aunts and uncles and everyone who loved her? Do I tell her? No, no I don’t I thought, and instead whispered for her to keep fighting. I regret that now, but that’s just who I am to my core. Always full of hope, optimism and believing in miracles.

But the cancer was just too much this time. It wasn’t two weeks, or two months. It was only two days later and she was gone. I’m grateful she didn’t suffer any more than she did, and I’m so proud of her and every person who has fought the good fight against cancer, whether a hero in heaven, or a survivor here on earth. Because I believe each one of them has paved the way for a world one day where cancer does not exist. It’s why I do what I do. To honor every hero who has ever battled illness and help as many people as I can overcome or prevent it.

Tonight I share this video with you as a reminder that we don’t have control over everything that happens, but we do have control over how we respond to it and the meaning we attach to it. I pray you find your life’s purpose and meaning and do not go to your grave with your greatness still in you. I believe in you.  love, b

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