You were born an original, don’t die a copy.


born original

This post is inspired by someone who copies what I do. A lot. Creative stuff I do online and things I do in real life. I get inspired by a lot of things I read, see online, people’s stories and so on. But I’m talking about behavior where I’ll do something and then she does it too. This includes what I do on my FB page, website and the way I interact with you guys. Even stuff I do she finds out about offline, she’ll go and do that too.

My friend’s thought was..”Let her copy all she wants. She’ll always be a step behind you.”

Initially it was annoying. I don’t know if she just isn’t creative, can’t come up with ideas or content of her own or if there’s something in her that truly wants to be me. That isn’t me to even talk like that because it seems so arrogant to say, but she keeps copying me. And I don’t understand why.

While admittedly it’s still a bit annoying, I just try and pray for her now. Pray for her to like herself more and see all of the original pieces of herself to share with the world instead of trying to be what she sees on TV/internet, in magazines or other people’s lives.

My message to all of you about this is there’s something special about each of us. I most sincerely hope that you not only discover it, but celebrate it and share it with the world. You are an AMAZING, UNIQUE, WONDERFUL person!

Please don’t let your uniqueness go unnoticed.

You were born an original, don’t die a copy. – John Mason

love, b

Photo & quote: John Mason
#unique #special #original #bertalippert

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