Destination Angel – Inspirational Challenge: Operation Teddy


Happy Monday Angels!

Do you have stuffed animals around your house that aren’t receiving the love they deserve? Would you like to give them a new home and make a difference in a child’s life when they need it the most? Then I have the perfect solution for you, this week’s Inspirational Challenge, Operation Teddy!

Your assignment this week is to gather new or gently used stuffed animals to donate to a wonderful nonprofit, S.A.F.E. ( Stuffed Animals For Emergencies). S.A.F.E. partners with fire and police departments, children’s organizations, churches, homeless shelters and more, to give stuffed animals to children during emergency situations such as fires, illness, accidents, neglect, abuse and homelessness. Here’s a link to S.A.F.E.’s website to learn more and see where to send your donations.

Have a great week Angels! love, b

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