The Not Dying Girl – Lauren McCullough


not dying girl

Let me introduce you to Lauren McCullough, otherwise known as The Not Dying Girl. Lauren is unsure about seeing her 22nd birthday due to a rare form of cancer, Ewing’s Sarcoma.

Lauren is an incredible athlete who also happens to be a talented writer sharing every step of her cancer journey to inspire others and spread the word about childhood cancer.

Check out her Facebook page and be ready to be inspired by her courage and grace.

You keep fighting the good fight Lauren! This page is full of amazing people who will be rooting for you every step of the way!!

1 thought on “The Not Dying Girl – Lauren McCullough”

  1. this is for lauren ill pray for you everyday and i belive in miracles i know god has better plans for you its not time for you too go home you have a whole life too live and god will heal you from ur cancer keep the faith lauren it made me sad when i seen ur story on the news tonight i from elk grove as well

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