Post Op Update From My Prophylactic Bilateral Mastectomy



Hi everyone!!!

I’m 17 days post op and doing fabulous! :) I’m so happy. The surgery went well and less than 24 hours later I was back home. I was on some pain medication for a couple of days but really didn’t need anything after that.

I don’t consider myself to have a high tolerance for pain so I’m very surprised to how well I’m doing. Now don’t get me wrong. I am uncomfortable, sleep deprived, limited movement in my arms and have pain from time to time, but overall I’m doing really well.

The first few days were a challenge but I feel good now. I can not wait however to get these darn drains out of me! I have two tubes coming out on my sides below my arms emptying into a little collection device. They are stitched into my skin and that is uncomfortable and at times painful.

I guess most people get the drains out in about 5-10 days but here I am 17 days later still attached. They are awful and I can’t wait to see them go. However, the surgeon is looking for consistent days of less than 30cc drainage and I have been hovering around 30-32 for several days now. They don’t want to remove them too soon or I could develop seroma which increases my chances of infection which places my reconstruction in jeopardy.

They said however at the three week mark they start to look at the risk versus benefit of drains. There is more of a risk of infection if left in too long. So I am set to go in next Tuesday to remove the drains regardless if I’m still hovering around 30 and I will start my first fill. I’m going to talk more about my reconstruction later.

For now I wanted to give you a quick update and more importantly thank you for all of your support. I have no doubt that the prayers I received and continue to receive are helping me tremendously.

Thank you so much!!!

3 thoughts on “Post Op Update From My Prophylactic Bilateral Mastectomy”

  1. I am so glad to hear from you.
    Also wonderful that you are feeling well. When I had the sarcoma surgery I had a drain in my leg for 3 weeks. I think that’s why I did so well. The drain gets rid of that stuff that makes you feel crummy. But I agree, at some point enough is enough. I have been saying lots of prayers for you and also had a list of friends on my blog that needed prayers….you were one of course. (((((HUGS))))

  2. Get better soon – Summer misses you :)

    And you dont know me, but you helped me considerably today – I found you through the beelady lol. The link you have from FORCE has helped me considerably making decisions on a DR here in Montana this morning – a good thing,as I thought I might have to drive back to the twin cities each year! I am a cervical cancer survivor, but then i ended up with a radical hysterectomy/pelvic ablation from severe endometriosis. Then Ovarian cancer took my mom away too soon, and upping our familial risk. you are not alone in all of this – I am finding out that out too!

    thank you, and get better SOOON!

  3. Ohhh I am so glad to hear from you and how I missed this post I don’t know…well I do know..I have been too busy building a house, but I have wondered how you were doing. So glad to hear you are feeling well and getting better. I’m guessing the tubes are out now? I hope so. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Cindy Bee

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