Today’s Inspirational Challenge: Gratitude


juanita lippert

This is my mom Juanita.

The toll cancer had taken on her body are palpable in this picture.

There was no hair left to be combed. Her clothes now drowned her increasingly frail frame. Her hands were covered in bruises from numerous IVs. And oxygen was now required as the breast cancer had metastasized into her lungs.

But that’s not what I see.

What I see is my mother’s COURAGE, STRENGTH and SPIRIT.

Look at that SMILE!!

She was just about to receive yet another round of chemo when I snapped this picture. But she was HAPPY.

She believed there was always something to be grateful for and this picture is a powerful reminder to me of how to live my life.

So in honor of my mother’s courage, strength and spirit, I present to you today’s Inspirational Challenge, GRATITUDE.

To take part in today’s challenge simply list one thing you are grateful for today in the comments. 

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