How I Eat Healthy

I’m often asked how I eat healthy and stay on track with healthy food choices. So I filmed this video to show you how!

In this 5 minute video you will:

1. Learn the 3 Part System I personally use to eat healthy.

2. Get free access to my Weekly Meal Planning worksheet to plan and prepare your meals and snacks for the week.

3. Learn my secret weapon to cooking my healthy meals! Hint: It’s probably already in your kitchen!

Click Here to download my Weekly Meal Planning Worksheet!

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2 thoughts on “How I Eat Healthy”

  1. Hi Berta,
    Can you recommend a rice cooker that you like? I want to follow your suggestion and get the tools in to my kitchen to make prepping and cooking meals easier .

    Thanks !

    1. Here’s a link to the exact one I have. I really like it. I researched them before deciding on this one and have been very happy with it, especially for the price point. I love the steamer tray and often steam fish or chicken while cooking brown rice in the pot below. It makes it so easy! I normally cook brown rice in it which can take up to 90 minutes depending on the amount, but since I don’t have to sit and watch it, it’s still really easy.

      One thing I read in many reviews of rice cookers was that after a while, the rice may stick a little and turn brown on the bottom layer. Sure enough, that eventually happened to me too. It doesn’t burn it and tastes just fine, but I did notice it too. I’ll usually put down a quick layer of a olive oil spray before putting the rice in to help with this.

      I hope you enjoy this cooker, or whichever one you decide on. They are great! I’ve also used it to cook quinoa and as a slow cooker too. They are a wonderful tool to have in our kitchen. :)

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